Research visit to the University of Melbourne with support from a UniBE travel grant

Dr. Harvy Joy Liwanag, postdoctoral research fellow of the Community Health and Health(care) Systems Research Group, has undertaken a six-week research visit to the Nossal Institute for Global Health in the University of Melbourne, Australia from April to May 2024 to initiate scientific collaborations in global health.

During this stay abroad, Harvy held several meetings with key academics in the university to explore areas of mutual interest. He also delivered a seminar to the faculty and students of the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health to share about his research work on accountability in global health, optimising decentralisation for health systems in low- and middle-income countries, capacity building for health policy and systems research, and the practice of reflexivity among global health stakeholders.

During the World Health Summit (WHS) regional meeting in Melbourne from April 22-24, Harvy shared results from an initiative to strengthen capacities for health policy and systems research in the Philippines, Nepal, and Indonesia. The WHS session was chaired by Sir Michael Marmot (well-known for his work on social determinants of health).

Harvy’s placement in Melbourne was made possible through the UniBE Short Travel Grants for Postdocs that financially support research stays abroad to enhance the development of research projects and collaborations.

More about the Nossal Institute for Global Health

More about the World Health Summit in Melbourne

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