New factsheet published on vulnerability across the lifecourse and its relevance for health equity in health promotion and prevention

Patterns of physical activity among nursing home residents before and during the Covid-19 pandemic—a systematic observation

In terms of physical activity promotion, nursing homes are characterised by special conditions that have been exacerbated by the restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Weekly-scheduled structured activities and visits were cancelled, making low threshold activities in daily life all the more important to stay physically and socially active. The full article can be found […]
New Publication in BMJ Global Health Explores the Concept and Practice of Accountability

How does accountability in global health look like? We explore explore this question in a recent publication in BMJ Global Health, led by Harvy Joy Liwanag, in cooperation with Oria James (LSHTM) and Annika Frahsa (ISPM). The article presents the findings from a literature review of accountability processes in global health funding, research collaborations, and […]
New Publications on Urban Governance For Health and Well-Being

An ISPM-based team led by Annika Frahsa supported the WHO Special Initiative on Urban Governance for Health and Well-being through civic engagement and multisectoral coordination in 2021-2023. Two WHO reports from this collaboration are now online. Rapid, unplanned urbanization is one of the major ecological and human challenges of the 21st century. Good local governance […]
ISPM Researchers Co-Author a Policy Brief for the G20 Meeting in India

Harvy Joy Liwanag, Annika Frahsa, and Sophie Meyer of the Community Health and Health(care) Systems Research Group collaborated with colleagues in India, South Africa, and the United Kingdom to develop a T20 policy brief entitled, “Transforming Health Systems Towards Holistic Outcomes in the G20 and Beyond.” The T20 (Think 20) is an engagement process that […]
New publication from the BaSAlt project

Have you ever heard of Photovoice? It’s a research method that lets participants express their perspectives through photography. Our team wanted to see if Photovoice could be useful for promoting physical activity in nursing homes, which can be challenging settings for research. These homes are kind of like “total institutions,” where residents have limited autonomy […]