New Publication in BMJ Global Health Explores the Concept and Practice of Accountability

How does accountability in global health look like? We explore explore this question in a recent publication in BMJ Global Health, led by Harvy Joy Liwanag, in cooperation with Oria James (LSHTM) and Annika Frahsa (ISPM).

The article presents the findings from a literature review of accountability processes in global health funding, research collaborations, and training. Various processes for accountability were described across institutional, interinstitutional, and broader system levels, which also identified potential gaps where accountability processes could be bolstered.

This work contributes to ongoing discussions for more accountability in the global health system. We argue that by clarifying the concept of accountability, its practice in global health is likewise bolstered through the clarification of accountability lines and the implementation of more accountability processes. However, we also emphasise that these processes must be accompanied by political engagement to mobilise collection action and create the conditions where a culture of accountability thrives in global health.

You may read the full text of the article here:

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