Gia Thu Ly has successfully finished her Master’s degree in Health Sciences

Gia Thu Ly has successfully finished her Master’s degree in Health Sciences at the University of Lucerne with magna cum laude.

During the last three years where she also worked part-time at ISPM, her interest has been focused on health behaviour and management. She completed courses on social marketing in health promotion, health communication, stakeholder dialogue etc. besides the extensive master’s program from basics in clinical medicine to methods such as statistics and public health.

As she changed to our research group last year, she was able to strengthen her skills in qualitative methods and scientific work.

Her master thesis used data from the project “Divided pandemic society and Public Health. Polarization in the Covid-19 pandemic response in Switzerland” (MCID) to explore practices of solidarity during the pandemic. Prof. Dr. med. Balthasar Hug and Prof. Dr. phil. Annika Frahsa supervised her work. This collaboration has been a great representation of an aspect in her master’s studies to use the proper methods for conducting a well written scientific article. Their expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methods helped Gia Thu to distinguish well between the differences. Her findings revealed a further need to understand the concept of solidarity on a theoretical basis which will be the focus of her first publication based on her master’s thesis.

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University of Bern

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